
Maintenance of aerial platforms

Jan 24, 2022 | Articles | 0 comments

Each work tool requires maintenance which, if carried out carefully and by specialized technicians, will always result in an increase in platform production.

We understand that a broken or insufficiently maintained platform causes a loss of productivity for our customers, which is why we insist on the importance of good platform maintenance. This avoids unnecessary downtime, which reflects increased platform productivity and a much longer service life.

The maintenance of the aerial platforms can only be carried out in specialized workshops.

Year after year we expand our network of distributors and service workshops throughout the world. We offer the best maintenance and repair of bucket trucks.

The structure specialized in truck-mounted platforms, the SOCAGE product and the clear vocation of total customer service, make SOCAGE CUSTOMER an excellent solution for any height requirement.

Qualified experts in the maintenance of aerial platforms

All repairs are carried out by professionals from Socage authorized workshops, experts in the maintenance of transportable aerial platforms, able to reduce time and costs thanks to their experience.

Extend the life of your platforms. Maintenance of aerial platforms.

The support and maintenance of aerial platforms are crucial for the profitability of your work. Through efficient processes, qualified personnel and original spare parts, Socage Customer goes to great lengths to keep your platform at height for as long as possible. We keep your platform in the best possible condition to ensure its operation. Specialized maintenance of aerial platforms is the key to achieving high performance and reducing downtime costs.


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